Hi! The website is a WIP at the moment.

Any missing portfolio related inquiries can be found on my resume or linkedin. Feedback is always welcome, thank you!


Hi! Most people call me Adi. I am a Minecraft enthusiast with a mission to understand the world of boards and silicon on a deeper level.

The phrase, "you will never work a day in your life if you enjoy what you are doing" has been used by many; but I genuinely live by it. I think I have found something special in this field that resonates with me, and I don't intend to let it go easily. I hope to use this website for logging parts of my journey with the intention of sharing it with others.

Whether you are here for my portfolio or just to know more about me, I hope you enjoy this site as much as I enjoyed putting it together, thanks for being here!

Also feel free to check out my RESUME. It goes beyond the projects listed here!


My Articles/Publications

  • [TEMPORARILY DISABLED] An In-depth Exploration into the Construction of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)

Contact Me!

Email: 20aditya02@gmail.com

Also check me out on LinkedIn


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...Thank you for checking out my site!